3 layered mask with paper coffee filters / 커피 필터 3겹 마스크 만들기
커피 필터 3겹 마스크 만들기! 이 커피 필터 마스크는 마스크를 살 수 없을 시에 사용하기 위해 만들었습니다. Make a 3 layered mask with coffee filters! This coffee filter mask was made for use in case we can’t buy a mask

Sunshine Hawai’i YouTube channel open
Aloha! This is Lani’s footages of the beaches in Hawai’i. She is a resident of Oahu HI since 2014, and introducing the beauty of Hawaiian beaches with her own cameras like iPhone, … Which beaches are in your best memory? Which ones are in your bucket list? Comment your answers. 음악 / 이우성 Music by

Lani’s Tropical Plants Paper Craft Kits are Ready for Shipping Worldwide!
Lani’s Tropical Plants Paper Craft Kits are Ready for You. The 1st edition of Lani’s Tropical Plants Paper Kits are ready for shipping worldwide. Each kit includes 5 tropical plants. The 1st edition is limited to 12 kits. Bring your space aloha with this exquisite craft kit. The kit is fun to play and also